Tips & tricks for iPSC/hESC to oligodendrocyte differentiation

Online Workshop (May 16th). Tips & tricks for maintaining & differentiating iPSCs/ESCs

The workshop will be held twice to accommodate our global audience.
May 16th, 12pm CT and 12pm BST 

Watch the on-demand recording here

Tips and tricks for iPSC/hESC to oligodendrocyte differentiation with Dr Rana Fetit, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh, UK.

Oligodendrocytes are a highly important component of the central nervous system as they make up the insulating sheath of axons. As such, many researchers work on oligodendrocyte cultures differentiated from human iPSCs or ESCs to study demyelinating diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS). However, maintaining culturing, and differentiating iPSCs/ESCs into oligodendrocyte progenitors, require precise focus and adherence to best practices. 

The workshop will include:

  • How to maintain iPSCs/ESCs.

  • Generating neurospheres and differentiating them into oligodendrocyte progenitors (OPCs) and Oligodendrocytes.

  • Potential applications.

A certificate of attendance and a link to watch the webinar will be available to attendees post-event.

Speaker: Dr Rana Fetit, University of Edinburgh