Western Blot Troubleshooting: High Background
Troubleshooting tips and solutions for high background in Western blot.
Jump to:
- Western Blot Protocol
- How To Optimize Your Western Blot
- SDS-PAGE Gel Recipes
- How To Optimize Your Results With Low MW Proteins
- Tricine Gel Recipe For Low Molecular Weight Proteins
- Choosing The Right Lysis Buffer
- Choosing The Right Western Blot Detection Method
- Western Blot Troubleshooting: Why Does The Observed Protein Molecular Weight (MW) Differ From The Calculated One?
- Western Blot Troubleshooting: High Background
- Western Blot Troubleshooting: Weak/No Signal & Other
- Western Blot ppt
- Western Blot Video Protocol
High Background (Uniform Distribution)
Antibody concentration too high
- Use higher antibody dilution.
Insufficient blocking
Increase the concentration of blocking reagent (e.g., from 5 to 7%).
Increase blocking time and/or temperature.
Add Tween 20 to the blocking buffer.
Include blocking reagent and Tween 20 in the primary antibody dilution buffer.
Inadequate washing
- Increase washing time and volume.
Dry membrane
- Ensure membrane does not dry out during the immunoblotting process.
Non-specific binding of secondary antibody
Perform a secondary antibody-only control experiment (omit the primary incubation step).
Use a pre-adsorbed secondary antibody with reduced crossreactivity to unwanted species.
For phosphorylated protein detection, do not use milk-based buffers such as non-fat milk or casein buffer. (Milk and casein are phosphoprotein-rich.)
Film exposure too long / Detection reagent too sensitive
- Check different types and dilution of the detection reagent.

Proteintech control antibodies are $189 each for a 150ul size vial
View all Loading Control AntibodiesHigh Background (Non-Specific Bands)
The following should also be considered:
Target protein abundance is lower than the threshold of nonspecific binding
Load more protein per well at SDS-PAGE.
Enrich low-abundance proteins by immunoprecipitation, fractionation, etc.
Sample degradation
Prepare fresh lysates each time
Use freshly prepared sample kept on ice up until the addition of sample buffer and immediate heating to 95°C for 5–10 minutes.
Tissue extracts tend to produce more non-specific bands and degradation products. Use fresh, sonicated, and clarified tissue extracts.
Always include protease inhibitors (and phosphatase inhibitors for the detection of phosphorylated targets).
Ensure sample has not degraded.
Interference from other isoforms
Check for the presence of known isoforms in the literature or at uniprot.org.
Use an isoform-specific antibody.
Inefficient SDS-PAGE separation
Change the gel percentage to suit the target protein’s MW.
Lower percentage Tris-Glycine gels should be used for larger proteins, or use Tris-Acetate-based gels and buffers. (See page 12 for our SDS-PAGE gel recipes). •
Higher percentage Tris-Glycine gels (up to 15%) should be used for smaller proteins (<20 kDa) or use Tris-Tricine gels.
Presence of post-translational modifications
- Know your protein of interest, band sizes can shift due to glycosylation, phosphorylation, precursor maturation, etc.
Lack of controls
While the omission of control samples from a Western blot is not a cause of non-specific bands, their inclusion can tell you why you may be seeing them on your membrane. Controls you could include are:
Positive controls:
- Samples from cells overexpressing the target protein.
- Purified recombinant protein.
- Cell line/tissue with proven positive signal.
Negative controls:
- Samples targeted with RNA interference.
- Samples from knockout tissues/cells.
- Cell line/tissue with proven negative signal.